The DHS Alumni Association was formed after the closing of Downs High School and consolidation of the USD 272 schools in 2003. Local members then worked to organize as a not-for-profit, non-stock corporation. The Corporation is organized exclusively for charitable, scientific, and educational purposes within the meaning of Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue code of 1986. As of May 20, 2009 DHSAA, Inc. is recognized as a public charity with a 509 (a) (2) status. DHSAA, Inc. was organized and operates exclusively for educational and charitable purposes as a nonprofit organization dedicated to advancing the interest of Downs High School and the Downs community and promoting generally this education institution, our alma mater.
​REUNION: Downs High School Alumni Association, Inc. hosts the alumni reunion on Saturday each year during the annual Downs Celebration. A noon lunch is catered and enjoyed by DHSAA members and guests. A short business meeting is conducted and followed by a program including the presentation of the current recipients of our scholarships. The afternoon is enjoyed by all with an a open house to the public with lots of visiting, hugs, laughs and smiles as memories are shared between old friends. Classes observing special reunions have tables reserved just for them and are invited to celebrate with us.
SCHOLARSHIPS: Starting out with awarding an annual scholarship of $300 in 2006, the group is now able to offer two scholarships that are awarded to a graduating senior of Lakeside High School that has an eligible relative (limited to parents, grandparents, great grandparents, aunts and uncles) that were graduates of Downs High School.
The original award of $300 has been increased each year. It is currently $1000.
In 2011, the Streit children set up a yearly grant of $500 to be used as the Lawrence and Anna Streit Family Scholarship. The award has since been increased to $1000. This scholarship is administered by DHSAA under the same guidelines.
In 2017, the group introduced a new $500 award for an applicant with the same eligibility requirements but is for students outside of the Waconda USD 272 District / Lakeside School and is either a graduating high school senior or is already enrolled attending any higher education facility in the US.
The Tetlow-Downs Community Scholarship, which is facilitated through the Greater Salina Community Foundation, also began with its first award of $1000 to a graduating Lakeside Senior meeting the criteria.
DRAGONS DEN: Memorabilia from the former Downs High School is housed at the ‘Dragons Den’ at 813 Morgan in downtown Downs. Continued donations of DHS and Dragon memorabilia are needed so that the displays may be changed periodically. As monetary donations are received, more remodeling of the building will take place. The Dragons Den is open to the public during the week of the Downs Celebration. If you would like to visit, local members are available to assist and numbers are posted in the window.
MEMBERSHIP: All DHS alumni are asked to join at a cost of $10.00 per graduate, per year, even if unable to attend the reunion. Funds are used throughout the year to help with expenses associated with building taxes, insurance & upkeep, website and reunion expenses.
MEMORIALS: Memorial donations have been received from families who were former alumni members and DHS graduates.
DHSAA, Inc. is a tax-exempt organization, memorials and large donations made to DHS Alumni Association, Inc. are tax deductible. Dues, donations and memorials can be sent anytime. Donations in any amount are welcome and appreciated.